Web hosting is an important step when you like to make your site visible to the online visitors. However, if you have chosen any sub standard hosting provider, the website quality will get degraded. Although you may find the name of various companies, providing web hosting solutions, you need to get the most reliable one. As one of the Californian based companies, GreenGeeks is now a recognized web hosting solution provider. Though it is one of the new organizations, it has gained lots of awards because of green web hosting plan. For the best standard, optimized solutions, GreenGeeks may be a preferable option to you. Now, we want to present you with some reasons for which GreenGeeks is better in compared to other similar companies.
Meets All Your Business Needs
GreenGeeks provides you with comprehensive services and products, needed for website hosting. With shared web hosting solutions, you can get unlimited bandwidth and space. Updated scripts are also available to manage the sites easily. The company also has a reseller web hosting package with which the entrepreneurs can develop hosting solutions on their own.
Green Hosting: For a Better World
Lots of people do not know that hosting companies are not eco-friendly, and so, the online world cannot be considered as green. One of the surveys had revealed that these companies use a significant amount of energy for powering the servers.
Researchers have found out that after few years, the website hosting agencies will turn out to be the biggest polluter. That is why GreenGeeks has tried to solve that problem by applying only wind energy. While you have relied on eco-friendly hosting sector, you can ensure that the website is powered only by sustainable energy. You can build a website that never pollutes the environment.
Excellent Server Setups & Good Uptime
If your business site gets down, your business and emails become inaccessible to the potential customers. So, the QA team of GreenGeeks always checks out whether there is any failure of the server. The requirements for server may not be same in all the aspects, like connectivity ability and speed of processor.
Many companies want to buy servers that do not have lots of requirements. However, with GreenGeeks, you will not find any such thing. They pay for such servers, which have high energy efficiency, and they have vast SSD storage in order to offer you the best performance.
GreenGeeks is always aware of the infrastructure of their server, and also optimizes the database so that it can give fast response to lightning. The servers may also cache all the changeable queries, like webpage content. And so, you will find that you pages are getting loaded very fast. The team of GreenGeeks constantly monitors that there is no failure of database and codes.
The integrated caching system helps GreenGeeks in saving all the important files and in improving the performance. In fact, it has been observed that due to the fresh updates of the server system, the speed of page loading gets increased by almost fifty percent. Thus, you will have reliable web hosting because of regular testing of the setups.
Decently Priced Services
Many businessmen believe that they will perhaps need to pay a very amount for the green website hosting solutions. However, this is a wrong concept. The company has private farm for solar and wind energy. It never depends on other grids for energy. Thus, GreenGeeks has no issue of paying a considerable amount to get energy for hosting several websites. As the company is successful in having much savings, you may also get a cheaper solution.
Variety of Tools Available Readily
GreenGeeks has made its control panel easily navigable. As one of the customers of this company, you may also have a chance of registering your domain at free of cost. In addition to it, you can avail the CMS system. Whether you have website at Drupal, Joomla or WordPress, GreenGeeks offers you simple installation system. It is now easy to add any application to the site.
For ecommerce platforms, based on ZenCart, Magento, PrestaShop or OpenCart, GreenGeeks provides shopping carts. Ads credits are also available for the promotion of a site.
These are some positive aspects for which GreenGeeks is highly recommendable web hosting agency. For better management and higher security of your site, GreenGeeks will give you an outstanding solution. The customer satisfaction rate of this company is also very high.
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